⚠️ WARNING: The products on this site are at wholesale prices and may only be ordered by Orgaanics distributors, Project: Pill Gates bantam company owners, and other resellers worldwide for dropshipping to customers anywhere in the world except in countries where food supplements are not allowed.
⚠️ VERY IMPORTANT: If you are dropshipping your order to your customer, include this on your order note:
⚠️ Do NOT include any price on the package. Do NOT include a delivery receipt, provisional receipt, or any receipt or invoice of any kind that shows the price of the products.
Domestic (USA) Shipping via USPS
3-7 business days
Shipping prices, terms, conditions, and turnaround times are set by USPS and thus are subject to change at any time, with or without previous notice.
International Shipping via Global Post Standard International
10-14 business days
Shipping prices, terms, conditions, and turnaround times are set by Global Post Standard International and thus are subject to change at any time, with or without previous notice.
International Shipping via DHL Express
3-4 business days
Shipping prices, terms, conditions, and turnaround times are set by DHL Express and thus are subject to change at any time, with or without previous notice based on fuel costs and COVID processing charges.
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